Healthy soil, thriving plants.

About The Urban Soil Doctor

The Urban Soil Doctor is a soil testing & horticultural soil science consultancy offering technical soil guidance for landscape projects. We work with Landscape Architects, Landscape Designers, Town Planners, Arborists, Landscape Contractors & Soil Manufacturers. Our landscape projects include Parklands, Commercial Developments, Residential Developments, Residential Landscapes, Community Gardens, Community Parks, Green Roofs, Street Trees, existing landscapes and more.

Founder, Chantal Milner is an CPSS* accredited Professional Soil Scientist with over 12 years of industry experience in Australia, UK & Saudi Arabia.

*”CPSS accreditation identifies people with soil science competency, experience, currency of knowledge & expertise who have an ethical approach”. 

“As a professional soil scientist I correct the soil chemistry, physics and fertility to promote an optimum soil medium to grow a thriving, lush landscape.”

Chantal Milner - Principal Soil Scientist

Client Testimonials

Matt Stanfield Intrepid Trio Co "Best Service Ever!!! We had a project on the mid north coast and were lucky enough to have the team from Urban Soil Doctor visit us on site to determine our requirements. From start to finish, they handled all our requirement needs, flawless, professional and really helped with our deadlines. The knowledge they shared, helped expedite the process in real time. They will now be our first consultation group on all upcoming projects. Really, really grateful guys, thank you so much for understanding our needs. You guys deserve all the goodness"

Adam Powell "Wow, that was easy. Great outcome and clear advice. Thanks again"

Matt Stanfield Intrepid Trio Co "Best Service Ever!!! We had a project on the mid north coast and were lucky enough to have the team from Urban Soil Doctor visit us on site to determine our requirements. From start to finish, they handled all our requirement needs, flawless, professional and really helped with our deadlines. The knowledge they shared, helped expedite the process in real time. They will now be our first consultation group on all upcoming projects. Really, really grateful guys, thank you so much for understanding our needs. You guys deserve all the goodness" Adam Powell "Wow, that was easy. Great outcome and clear advice. Thanks again"

To start a conversation and get a quotation.

Contact Your Urban Soil Doctor